GPS navigation- new technology to help the driver

GPS navigation- new technology
Today there is no sphere of human life or activities which were not implemented computer technology.
An innovative device designed to facilitate the life of a man, give him new opportunities for communication and acquisition of new skills and knowledge, and acceleration information of different nature can be found everywhere. Indeed, the information flow, which falls on the modern man today is unusually wide, and most valuable factor to achieve success is time, which is not always enough and that, unfortunately, modern digital devices “stretch” is not able. The speed of modern man needs in everything and in obtaining information, its processing, decision-making, etc.
The successful man did not have enough time to address urgent matters requiring his immediate presence and therefore, the slightest delay when you move to your destination sometimes lead to disastrous consequences in the form of unrealized potential, unfulfilled orders, etc. Road transport, it would seem, solves this problem, if not for one thing: the road network is so extensive and wide that you can navigate the road can be extremely difficult, and to find the desired object and the shortest way to it is sometimes practically impossible without a significant time commitment.
And again modern technology has come to the rescue.There is a device that allows you to minimize all the negative aspects listed above. Such a device is called a GPS.GPS – global satellite navigation and positioning, initially developed for military purposes and is now available for use to everyone. Without delving into the technical details to reveal the essence of this system in one sentence. GPS performs a single function: the system allows you to pinpoint the location of the object, moving speed by using the data which get from satellites.
What is GPS?
In fact it is a miniature computer capable of receiving the signal from the satellites and process the information using special software and navigation programs. These specialized programs allow you to display satellite data in the usual people: on the map, which initially is the location of the different objects on the earth’s surface: roads, bridges, buildings, road signs, etc. 
Thus, it becomes possible to implement many tasks: identifying own location, search the shortest path to the desired object, speed measurement, distance calculation and much more. With GPS eliminates the necessity of searching the optimal route to the destination, calculate the distance for him and the time that must be expended in the way. It has created detailed maps that cover virtually all corners of the globe. 
In addition, we should not forget that GPS Navigator is a complete computer built on the same architecture as the usual PC, ie. the basis of the device are the CPU, RAM and other technical components on which the work of any modern computer. This allows you to install navigation in an operating system, which in turn makes it possible to expand the functionality of the device through the use of various software widely.


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