High pressure hose SEMPERIT


Hoses, high pressure (RVD) AND RUBBER HOSE NAPRONY

RSD function is to transport fluids under high pressure. The correct choice of the WFD is not only the durability of operation of machinery and equipment, but also the safety of people’s lives during the manufacturing process.

High-pressure hoses have to be climatically and thermally stable, have a resistance to the external load, be watertight and easy to install.

Hoses are based on high-tech solutions:

  • have a wide operating temperature range from -50C to + 100 ° C, allowing you to work in difficult climatic conditions;
  • are reliable and durable, thanks to a new generation of wear-resistant rubber compound;
  • are able to withstand high pressure and to work with different types of media;
  • increase the mechanical strength of the entire structure of the product, due to the wire braid reinforcement;
  • versatile when used in different fields.

Hoses used in various industries:

  • the mining industry;
  • construction;
  • metallurgy;
  • agriculture;
  • oil production and refining;
  • the automotive industry;
  • chemical processing;
  • food industry.


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