Professional software TRASSIR endowed with an outstanding functionality allows you to display and record video in the highest quality, to remotely access the system in a variety of ways even on slow Internet, to provide fundamental reliability, flexibility and depth of archival storage.

Digital video surveillance system TRASSIR, is perhaps the most popular, thanks to maximum functionality and ease of monitoring and archiving TRASSIR software is a unique tool recognition and intelligent analysis This is the same for all models of cameras, it is constantly updated for free

Using TRASSIR you can organize professional surveillance system a variety of objects Interface of the surveillance system TRASSIR is very simple, to master it – it is just a few minutes Monitoring is easily accomplished using the mouse or the touch screen In two or three clicks you can call up the archive for any date.

The system is multitasking, ie, all operations, recording, monitoring, configure, network access, etc – are performed in parallel in a single interface In systems TRASSIR provides synchronous audio recording for each channel, with IP cameras supported duplex audio

The network structure of the system TRASSIR allows creation of distributed video surveillance systems of any scale One server is allowed to connect an unlimited number of clients on a local network or via the Internet TRASSIR system allows monitoring of current events, gives full access to the archives Very conveniently implemented control PTZ cameras (patented system ActiveDome) ON to access the video server on the network is distributed free of charge.

TRASSIR provides users a set of filters and motion detectors The basic detector is responsible for detecting slow and rapid movement, allows to set the detection area, is responsible for face detection, and controls the focus shift, shift or blind cameras Detector object tracing comes to the rescue in the streets or severe weather conditions, random noise filtering and separating objects by size, speed, direction.

This detector system TRASSIR able to track the movement of objects with specified characteristics, and analytically, using the velocity vector to predict the trajectory of further movement of the object It is also envisaged the detector of abandoned objects and a detector of slow motion.

The system TRASSIR able to react in a certain way to certain events Because of this, the user can program individual reaction to events, for example, start recording and change the recording speed, send TEXT messages, sound signals, turn the camera to the zone alarm events or guidance them to the site Rules can be configured to cascade multiple sequential reactions on the same event ON allows you to set the optimal ratio between the quality and volume of the videos by selecting different variants of a compression of more than two dozen options.

The system TRASSIR – the most powerful in functionality and technology software product in the market.